Monday, January 28, 2008

Kenji's s-tile

Kenji proved to have great style while at our place. He had done a little tiling as part of his university study for architecture and so he was enthusiastic about having a go at tiling. Consequently, apart from plastering and sanding back most of the gib-board in the house he tiled the kitchen area and completed most of the tiling in the bathroom. Over 6 weeks it was a massive contribution.

It is great having long term woofers. Kenji became part of the family and got the opportunity to do so many things, especially as Christmas and New Year is a time of year with so much happening...Toastmasters and the club end of year BBQ, the local A & P show, our huge local festival-Strawberry Fair, Christmas in the park, Christmas Eve service, Christmas with the family, the Waimate rodeo, picnics here and picnics there, etc, etc... 6 weeks was also time enough to make friends with a couple from Toastmasters and Kenji went up to the lakes with Wim.

He enjoyed playing with the girls although we had to draw the line when they tried to get him to play Barbies!

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