Monday, January 28, 2008

Eaten by mosquitos

Well, we never heard back from Akira and Kayo, a newly married couple, who went off to tramp the Milford track so we are assuming they got eaten by the biggest mosquitos in the world. No kidding ...all the guidebooks will tell you about them. Anyway, Akira and Kayo stayed several days and helped to plaster the wall in Ami's room. But their main project was to cut and move the last of the kerfs (offcuts from the timber milled on the property 3 years ago) so we could establish our grey water system. Funnily enough, their name was "Mizuguchi" (water outlet=referring to the gap at the edge of the paddyfield where water is let out for the rice to dry out). I thought this was a very appropriate name as the grey water system consists of 2 long tubes with lots of little feeder pipes (water outlets). Akira and Kayo planted the first tree in the grey water garden.

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